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Our 25th anniversary

Today is an important date for Mixer: on February 19, 1996 the company was established and, over the past 25 years, became a reference point for the cable industry and for the whole community. Specific initiatives to celebrate our anniversary throughout 2021 are underway, involving employees, collaborators and customers.

Since this historical moment does not allow crowded celebrations, Mixer organized a gourmet takeaway meal for the employees and their families. They will consume the food safely at home, in full compliance with the rules imposed by the outbreak.

Mixer also established a special “25th anniversary committee” of employees and collaborators, with the task to propose ideas and events for 2021 and beyond. A special logo has been developed for the occasion and it is now online the brand-new website, designed for a closer communication with customers and stakeholders.

«2021 is a very important year for Mixer. Since 1996, when the founder Bruno Galanti bought a disused factory – the CEO Andrea Galanti says – the newly formed company has built a new plant and has implemented innovative production procedures and methods, anticipating already in 2008 the concepts of Industry 4.0. Today Mixer operates on 4 continents: we have gone a long way!

I want to thank all our employees and contractors for supporting the company with their efforts, commitment and dedication. We are going to celebrate this anniversary in our own homes, each one with his family: an unusual way due to the epidemiological situation, that does not allow us to have a party all together. As soon as it will be possible, however, we will celebrate again all together at the company site.

Moreover, my special thanks go to all our customers, suppliers and agents who shared this journey with us».

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