Mixer recently had the privilege of visiting the exhibition “LA RIVOLUZIONE DEL SEGNO. La grafica delle avanguardie da Manet a Picasso“, a project realized by Museo Civico delle Cappuccine in Bagnacavallo and proudly supported by our company. This initiative and the related tour demonstrate Mixer’s long-standing commitment to cultural initiatives in the territory where it was founded and operates
The visit was organized by Mixer for its employees, emphasizing the dedication to sharing and valuing cultural initiatives. It was a chance for us to come together, appreciate the arts, and reinforce our commitment to the community. The guided tour was led by Davide Caroli, Director of Museo Civico delle Cappuccine and Martina Piacente, who provided insightful commentary and brought the exhibition to life for us.
During our visit, we had also the opportunity to view the remarkable painting “Ragazza in abito settecentesco” by Edgardo Saporetti, which is permanently displayed at the museum. This made our visit a significant opportunity to see it in person.
We would like to express our gratitude to the Museo Civico delle Cappuccine, with special appreciation to Director Davide Caroli and Martina Piacente for their warm welcome and enlightening guided tour. A sincere thank you also goes to Caterina Corzani and Francesco Ravagli, municipal councilors of Bagnacavallo, who joined us during the visit to convey the administration’s gratitude to Mixer for supporting this significant project and past initiatives.
Mixer maintains a strong connection with its community and strives to enhance cultural awareness by supporting significant local initiatives.