Supporting Art: Mixer visits “La Rivoluzione del Segno” exhibition

Mixer recently had the privilege of visiting the exhibition”LA RIVOLUZIONE DEL SEGNO. La grafica delle avanguardie da Manet a Picasso”, a project realized by Museo Civico delle Cappuccine in Bagnacavallo and proudly supported by our company.
Mixer celebrates the promotion of Fulgur Volleyball to Series C

Mixer is thrilled to celebrate the recent success of the Fulgur Mixer Volleyball women’s team that got promotion to Serie C. This outstanding achievement is a testament to hard work, dedication, and teamwork. We are proudly main sponsor Fulgur Volleyball for several years, and last year we extended our sponsorship to include both the women’s […]
Mixer and Fulgur Pallavolo Bagnacavallo together again

Five years ago, we decided to support a local women’s volleyball team, the Polisportiva Fulgur Bagnacavallo. During these years, together we have promoted some important projects for the community: from the donation of masks to schools during the pandemic, up to the recent renovation of the floor of the Bagnacavallo sports hall. We have recently […]
The Dürer exhibition awarded among the 10 best Art Bonus 2020

Last year, Mixer supported an important project of the local Civic Museum: “Albrecht Dürer, Il Privilegio dell’Inquietudine”. In these days, it was awarded among the 10 best 2020 ArtBonus projects in Italy, ranking 8th. Andrea Galanti, General Director of Mixer S.p.A. commented: «First of all, I want to thank Diego Galizzi – the Director of […]
Mixer and the Dürer exhibition, vote the project

Last year, Mixer supported an important project of the local Civic Museum: “Albrecht Dürer, Il Privilegio dell’Inquietudine”, a fifteenth-century German artist. In particular, his pictorial painting “Madonna del Patrocinio”, preserved until 1969 into the monastery of the Capuchin nuns, today Civic Museum of Bagnacavallo. Today the project is in the short-list of the Competition of […]