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Electron beam materials: Mixer’s range for irradiation

In Mixer S.p.A. we offer breakthrough solutions to our customers, leading the market of compounds for wire and cables. Indeed, the product brand, EKOPREN®, features constantly improved grades, designed to meet the most demanding specifications. The EKOPREN® portfolio includes rubber-based insulation and sheathing compounds, formulated to be crosslinked in electron beam irradiators. Given the growing rate […]

Medium Voltage Insulation based on TPV: a study by Mixer

Medium Voltage Insulation based on TPV: a study by Mixer

In the quest of developing new thermoplastic materials as thermoplastic insulation for Medium Voltage applications, Mixer S.p.A. developed a series of compounds meeting the Italian specification CEI 20-86 for thermoplastic insulation up to 12/20kV of operating voltage. These new compounds are based on the TPV technology to obtain the perfect combination between thermoplastic and elastomeric […]

Medium voltage insulation compounds: choose your efficiency

Medium voltage insulation compounds: choose your efficiency

We present our new product campaign, focused on medium voltage insulation compounds. The EKOPREN® grades are compliant for 6-95kV application and they are available with lead or lead free. The medium voltage rubber insulation compounds provide a fast and smooth extrusion process. For more information about our products, please schedule your virtual meeting.

Medium voltage, new grades: EKOPREN® flex and 20kv

Medium voltage new grades EKOPREN flex and 20kv

Insulation for Medium Voltage market is surely one of the most successful categories of our products portfolio, for that reason Mixer S.p.A. has developed two new versions of grades starting from EKOPREN® 3IS731 and EKOPREN® 3IS751. The new blends “F” allow a faster and easier production, together with more flexibility. The compounds “L” are suitable […]

EKOPREN® Medium Voltage Insulation compounds: a wider portfolio

EKOPREN Medium Voltage Insulation compounds a wider portfolio

We are offering a wider portfolio of EKOPREN® Medium Voltage Insulation compounds, suitable for EPR and HEPR specifications which can be harder or flexible, with or without lead and for operating voltage from 6kV to 95kV. Multiple alternatives for different temperatures are available, from -40°C to +105°C: a very wide thermal range able to meet […]